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How do I read my meter?
Each type of meter is read slightly differently.
Here is a guide to the different types of gas and electricity meters and how to read them:
On this page: Gas meters: | Electricity meters:
Gas meters
Meter reading is 00254. Write down the 5 numbers shown from left to right. Ignore the number(s) after the decimal point which may be shown
in red.
Meter reading is 2988. Write down the 4 numbers from left to right.
Ignore the number(s) shown in red.Meter reading is 6456. Read the 4 dials from left to right along the
bottom row only-ignore any others. Write down the number closest to
each pointer.Electricity meters:
Meter reading is 07220. Write down the 5 numbers shown from left to right. Ignore the last number(s) which may be shown in red.
Meter reading is 56315, 27457. For both top and bottom rows, write down the numbers shown left to right. Ignore the last number(s) which
may be shown in red.Some two rate meters only have one digital display and they either flash
up the different rate readings in a cycle or you need to press the button
to make the display cycle through the readings for each rate.Meter reading is 74496. Read the first 5 dials from left to right, ignoring
the dial marked 1/10. Write down the number that the pointer has just passed - use the lower of the 2 numbers either side of the pointer.It's important to note that the sequence of numbers on each dial
alternates from clockwise to anti-clockwise.Submit your meter reading online
Take a note of the date you read the meter. Remember, if you give us regular readings when we ask for them, we won't have to send you an estimated bill.
Having problems with your meter?
If your meter has stopped or you're having other problems reading your meter, call us on 0800 048 0202*.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas How do I read my meter?
How often should I read my meter?
If you're a quarterly billed customer, we ask for a meter reading at least once a quarter. This is so we can send you an actual bill rather than an estimated one.
When we need a reading, we may email, text or phone you.
If you're on EnergySmart, we ask for a meter reading every month.
Submit your meter reading online
For safety reasons and as required by law, we will still send an authorised meter reader to inspect your meter from time to time.
- View More: British Gas How often should I read my meter?
How to submit your meter reading
You can give us your latest meter reading:
- online
- using the British Gas iPhone app
- over the phone - in some cases our automated service will call and ask you to enter your meter reading
- by SMS (text)
If you have an online account:
- Log in to your online account
- go to submit meter readings and select the account(s) you wish to give a meter reading for.
- enter your reading.
Don't have an online account? You can still submit your meter reading online. Just enter your customer number(s) for your gas/electricity account(s) and your name, email address and phone number.
Alternatively, you can register for an online account now.
Using the British Gas iPhone app:
Download the British Gas iPhone app and follow the on-screen instructions.
Over the phone:
You can tell us your meter reading by using our 24 hour automated service on 0800 107 0224.*
By SMS (text):
You can submit your meter reading by text by replying to the text message we send you (we'll do this if you have already registered). If you haven't registered you can do so by calling us on 0800 048 0202* When we send you a text message just put the relevant letter in front of the meter reading you're sending us:
- G for gas
- E for electricity
Just joined British Gas? Submit your opening reading
Moving home? Submit your final meter read online
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas How to submit your meter reading
How do you use my meter reading?
We use your meter reading to:
- work out your energy usage
- make sure your bills are accurate
- keep your Direct Debits accurate, if you pay by Direct Debit
Submit your meter reading online.
- View More: British Gas How do you use my meter reading?
What happens if I can't give you a meter reading?
If we don't have an actual meter reading, we will estimate your bill. This estimate will be based on:
- your past usage
- previous meter readings
- the time of year
- View More: British Gas What happens if I can't give you a meter reading?
My bill is estimated but I'd like to give my own reading
If you provide us with an accurate meter reading we can amend your estimated bill.
Please note: we can only amend your bill up to 14 days after your estimated bill was issued.
If you're not sure how to read your meter find out more.
- View More: British Gas My bill is estimated but I'd like to give my own reading
Submitting your meter reading by text message
To be able to submit your meter readings by text message you will firstneed to register for this service. Please contact us on 0800 048 0202* to arrange this. We're open weekdays 8am - 8pm and Saturdays 8am - 6pm.
On this page: Gas meter reading | Electricity meter reading
For help on texting your meter reading, please follow our guide below:It's free to send us your meter reading by text message. We will send you a text asking you to give us a meter reading when your reading is due.
Simply reply to our text message with your reading. You don't need to start a new text. If you have both gas and electricity with us, it's important you reply to each text message we send you separately.
Gas meter readingTo text us your gas meter reading, simply text G followed by the reading. So, for example if your meter reading is 00355, reply with G00355. We don't need your customer reference number or address in the text, but you should always reply to our message.
Find help on how to read your meter.
Electricity meter readingTo text us your electricity meter reading, simply text E followed by the reading. So, for example if your meter reading is 02039, reply with E02039. We don't need your customer reference number or address in the text, but you should always reply to our message.
Two rate digital electricity metersIf your meter has two rows of numbers, reply with your meter reading as D12345 for day and N12345 for night. So, for example if your meter reading marked 'normal', 'day' or 'rate 1' is 46043 and your reading marked 'low', 'night' or 'rate 2' is 32436 text D46043 N32436.
Find help on how to read your meter.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas Submitting your meter reading by text message
How can I get a smart meter?
- Due to the high volume of smart meters that need to be installed across Britain we'll contact you when it's your turn to receive a smart meter upgrade.
- View More: British Gas How can I get a smart meter?
- Due to the high volume of smart meters that need to be installed across Britain we'll contact you when it's your turn to receive a smart meter upgrade.
Where will my smart meters be fitted?
- In most cases, the smart meters will fit in the same location as your current meters.
- View More: British Gas Where will my smart meters be fitted?
- In most cases, the smart meters will fit in the same location as your current meters.
Will I get an in-home display monitor as well as smart meters?
- Yes, all our customers will get both.
- View More: British Gas Will I get an in-home display monitor as well as smart meters?
- Yes, all our customers will get both.
Do I have to pay for smart meters?
- No, you don't need to pay for smart meters or the standard in-home display monitor.
- View More: British Gas Do I have to pay for smart meters?
- No, you don't need to pay for smart meters or the standard in-home display monitor.
Will the upgrade to smart metering make meter readers redundant?
- Smart transforms the way that we take meter reads and will mean an end to pedestrian meter reading. However, our dedicated Smart Team are hiring around 2,100 people to install our customers meters and ensure the highest customer service.
- View More: British Gas Will the upgrade to smart metering make meter readers redundant?
- Smart transforms the way that we take meter reads and will mean an end to pedestrian meter reading. However, our dedicated Smart Team are hiring around 2,100 people to install our customers meters and ensure the highest customer service.
What happens if I don't want smart meters?
- At the moment you don't have to have smart meters. However, the Government has tasked energy providers with installing smart meters in all British households by 2020. This full national roll out is essential to ensuring as many customers as possible are in control of their energy and that full environmental benefits are realised. We also find that once people know a bit about smart, they think it really helps them manage their energy bills.
- View More: British Gas What happens if I don't want smart meters?
- At the moment you don't have to have smart meters. However, the Government has tasked energy providers with installing smart meters in all British households by 2020. This full national roll out is essential to ensuring as many customers as possible are in control of their energy and that full environmental benefits are realised. We also find that once people know a bit about smart, they think it really helps them manage their energy bills.
Will I have to have a new gas and electricity smart meter?
- Yes. We need to replace both meters in your home for you to see the full benefits of smart. However, you will only need one in-home display unit to view your energy costs and usage information.
- View More: British Gas Will I have to have a new gas and electricity smart meter?
- Yes. We need to replace both meters in your home for you to see the full benefits of smart. However, you will only need one in-home display unit to view your energy costs and usage information.
Who will get smart meters first?
The customers likely to receive their smart meters first are those who have dual fuel contracts with at least one meter due for replacement.
We will try to meet other customers' requests for smart meters, though there are some circumstances when we can't install them yet - for example, in some high rise flats or in areas with poor signal coverage. We're working on the best technology for each situation so that we should soon be able to install them everywhere.
- View More: British Gas Who will get smart meters first?
Will smart gas meters include valves?
- Yes, all our smart gas meters will include a valve. This will allow us to offer a full range of tariff and payment options. It can also be used to protect customers from building up big debts.
- View More: British Gas Will smart gas meters include valves?
- Yes, all our smart gas meters will include a valve. This will allow us to offer a full range of tariff and payment options. It can also be used to protect customers from building up big debts.
Will customers on smart meters be disconnected remotely?
- Only in exceptional cases, such as for safety reasons if we can't gain access. We have set out a whole series of commitments about how we will treat our smart meter customers. Click to download our Customer Charter
- View More: British Gas Will customers on smart meters be disconnected remotely?
- Only in exceptional cases, such as for safety reasons if we can't gain access. We have set out a whole series of commitments about how we will treat our smart meter customers. Click to download our Customer Charter
How do I take a reading from my smart gas meter?
- On the gas meter, press the red button marked A to switch on the display. Then press button A once again.
- View More: British Gas How do I take a reading from my smart gas meter?
- On the gas meter, press the red button marked A to switch on the display. Then press button A once again.
How are CO2 emissions calculated on my Smart Meter?
- Different fuels emit different levels of CO2. For example, 1kWh of gas will produce 206g of CO2, whereas 1kWh of electricity will produce 430g of CO2. When we add up the total number of kWh used we can calculate the amount of CO2 produced per fuel.
- View More: British Gas How are CO2 emissions calculated on my Smart Meter?
- Different fuels emit different levels of CO2. For example, 1kWh of gas will produce 206g of CO2, whereas 1kWh of electricity will produce 430g of CO2. When we add up the total number of kWh used we can calculate the amount of CO2 produced per fuel.
What is Calorific Value?
- Calorific Value is the amount of energy contained in the gas you burn. It can vary in different parts of the country due to the different sources of gas.
- View More: British Gas What is Calorific Value?
- Calorific Value is the amount of energy contained in the gas you burn. It can vary in different parts of the country due to the different sources of gas.
Can I download the welcome booklet for my smart meter?
Yes. You can download the relevant welcome booklet depending on whether you had your smart meter installed in 2009 or before, or 2010.
- View More: British Gas Can I download the welcome booklet for my smart meter?
How long will the average smart meter installation take?
- A dual fuel smart meter installation should take about an hour and a half.
- View More: British Gas How long will the average smart meter installation take?
- A dual fuel smart meter installation should take about an hour and a half.
Must I switch off my gas and electricity when they install the smart meters?
- The Smart Energy Expert will switch off your gas and electricity during the installation and then switch them back on again.
- View More: British Gas Must I switch off my gas and electricity when they install the smart meters?
- The Smart Energy Expert will switch off your gas and electricity during the installation and then switch them back on again.
Do I need to have a good mobile signal to have a Smart meter installed?
- Yes, but don't worry. As we use a variety of mobile networks our Smart Energy Expert will assess which is the best for you.
- View More: British Gas Do I need to have a good mobile signal to have a Smart meter installed?
- Yes, but don't worry. As we use a variety of mobile networks our Smart Energy Expert will assess which is the best for you.
Are smart meters secure?
Yes. We have developed and continue to develop high standards of security for smart meters, taking on board lessons learnt from other programmes around the world. Every component of our smart meters has strong security features to protect information, including access controls, tamper proofing and encryption to protect data in transit.
Our systems are regularly assessed by independent third parties to ensure our security is robust. We will continue to work with regulators, consumer groups, and other energy suppliers to ensure that industry system are well protected.
- View More: British Gas Are smart meters secure?
What are the coloured lights at the bottom of the Smart in-home display?
The lights give you an instant indication of how much electricity you are using at any one time. The different levels are:
- Green - your current electricity consumption is less than 1kW (4.35 Amps)
- Amber - your current electricity consumption is between 1kW (4.35 Amps) and 4kW (17.39 Amps)
- Red - your current electricity consumption is greater than 4kW per hour (17.39 Amps)
If the blue light is on, you have a message. Simply pull down the clear flap and press the button with an envelope symbol to read it.
- View More: British Gas What are the coloured lights at the bottom of the Smart in-home display?
Can the in-home Smart display be switched off?
- Yes the in-home display can be switched off at the mains. Then, when you wish to use it again, just switch it back on.
- View More: British Gas Can the in-home Smart display be switched off?
- Yes the in-home display can be switched off at the mains. Then, when you wish to use it again, just switch it back on.
What if the Smart display shows the message 'Cannot talk to meter'?
- Try moving it closer to the electricity meter. This message does not mean you have a problem with your actual meters.
- View More: British Gas What if the Smart display shows the message 'Cannot talk to meter'?
- Try moving it closer to the electricity meter. This message does not mean you have a problem with your actual meters.
If I unplug the in-home Smart display monitor will any data be lost?
- No. It will automatically refresh the data when it is plugged in again.
- View More: British Gas If I unplug the in-home Smart display monitor will any data be lost?
- No. It will automatically refresh the data when it is plugged in again.
Where is the best place to put my in-home Smart display monitor?
- As long as it is not in direct sunlight or somewhere where humidity is high, e.g. a bathroom, you can put your in-home display monitor anywhere you like.
- View More: British Gas Where is the best place to put my in-home Smart display monitor?
- As long as it is not in direct sunlight or somewhere where humidity is high, e.g. a bathroom, you can put your in-home display monitor anywhere you like.
How does my pay as you go meter work?
If you have a Pay As You Go meter, you pay for your gas or electricity before you use it.
You top up credit onto a card or key and transfer this to your meter by inserting the card or key.
With Pay As You Go Energy™, you have complete control over your spending. And at British Gas our Pay As You Go customers pay the same prices as those who receive bills*.
Download our electricity meter guide.
* Based on average of all Pay As You Go Energy™ customers on standard prices paying by quarterly cash or cheque customers, across all UK regions.
- View More: British Gas How does my pay as you go meter work?
Where can I buy credit for my meter?
You can get credit:
- at your local PayPoint store
- at any Post Office
- by topping up from your computer using Home Energy Top Up
If it is your first time topping up:
- first, if you have run out of credit turn off all your gas appliances
- before you top up your key/card you need to put your key/card into the meter for at least 1 minute
- take your key/card to your PayPoint store and buy some credit. You will be given a receipt
- take the key/card home and put it into your meter. Electricity will show automatically. For gas, press and hold the red button (A)
Repeat steps 1, 3 and 4 each time you want to top up.
- View More: British Gas Where can I buy credit for my meter?
How do I repay my outstanding balance through my electricity meter?
To repay a debt using your meter we first agree a weekly amount that will be taken from your electricity meter.
We take 1% of your agreed amount every 101 minutes. So if your agreed amount is £6, we take 6p every 101 minutes until we have taken £6. That works out as 85p a day.
What if I don't top up every week?
It is part of the agreement to top up your meter with credit every week even if you aren't using electricity.If there's not enough credit on the meter to collect your repayment, the meter will switch off and you'll have to pay any debt owed before it can be turned back on.
Struggling to make your weekly payments?
To help you with your debt repayment, we can arrange for your weekly recovery to be increased or decreased for short periods of time to suit your lifestyle.Contact us online: Or over the phone on 0800 048 0303*. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Your debt might not appear on your meter straight away. If this is the case, we will always write and let you know when it will be added.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes
- View More: British Gas How do I repay my outstanding balance through my electricity meter?
How you repay an outstanding balance through your gas meter?
To repay an outstanding balance, we first agree a weekly amount that will be taken through your gas meter. We then take the agreed amount from the top ups you make. On a gas meter a week runs from Wednesday morning to Tuesday night.
If you top up by less than the agreed amount, we don't take the full amount of your top up to pay your debt. We take 90% of the amount you top up and leave 10% for gas until the agreed weekly amount is reached.
So if your agreed amount is £10 and you top up £10, we will take £9 and leave you £1 for gas. This means you still owe £1, which we will take next time you top up that week.
Once you've paid your weekly amount, any further top ups will go onto your meter in full - until the next Wednesday when it starts again.
What if I don't top up every week?
It is part of the agreement to top up your meter with credit every week even if you aren't using gas to make sure the meter can collect the debt to the agreed repayment schedule and so you have credit available for fuel.If you don't keep up the repayment schedule, we take an amount each night from the meter (2/7ths of whatever is on the meter) until repayments are brought back on date. If you don't use your meter, we will try to take the weekly repayments you've missed the next time you use it.
Struggling to make your weekly payments?
To help you with your debt repayment, we can arrange for your weekly recovery to be increased or decreased for short periods of time to suit your lifestyle.Contact us online or over the phone on 0800 048 0303*. We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Your debt might not appear on your meter straight away. If this is the case, we will always write and let you know when it will be added.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes
- View More: British Gas How you repay an outstanding balance through your gas meter?
Why isn't my full top up showing on my meter?
If the full amount you topped up by is not showing on your meter it may be that:
- you have used up your emergency credit, find out more aboutemergency credit
- you have an outstanding balance to pay off - if this is the case, an amount may be taken from your top up. If you are a debt customer follow the links below:
If you're still concerned, Contact us online or you can call us on
0800 048 0303*. We're open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas Why isn't my full top up showing on my meter?
I'm putting more money on my meter than usual: why?
If your energy use seems to be a little higher than usual, it might not be the result of a faulty meter. It might be worth thinking about your energy habits and whether they've altered recently.
As a rule, most of our customers use more energy during the colder months, so the amount you top up by in winter is likely to be much more than in summer.
Lifestyle changes, like the arrival of a new baby or school holidays, might see increases in your usual consumption. New appliances like washer-dryers and LCD televisions also tend to use slightly more energy.
You also might pay more if you are paying off a debt through your meter and have not been topping up weekly. The meter will automatically take more than your weekly recovery rate to help you catch up.
Find out more about how you repay money through your meter:
Gas meterIf you're concerned about your energy usage see if we can help you save by trying our free Energy Savers Report.
If you think your energy usage hasn't changed fill in our
Online contact form selecting Pay As You Go Energy™ from the drop-down menu. If you prefer, call us on 0800 048 0303* we are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas I'm putting more money on my meter than usual: why?
I'm due to have my meter exchanged: what do I need to do?
If you're getting a:
- replacement pay as you go meter, the engineer will transfer your balance from your old meter to your new meter
- new credit meter, try to keep your balance as low as possible the week before the new meter is fitted
If there's any credit left on your meter on the day of exchange you can arrange for it to be transferred to your account by contacting us on
0800 048 0303*. We're open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas I'm due to have my meter exchanged: what do I need to do?
I have a Pay as you go meter and have no electricity: what should I do?
First, check you have credit on your meter. If you have run out of credit, ensure you turned off your electric cooker if you have one before you top up again.
Has your key stopped working at the PayPoint? If you've tried topping up at multiple PayPoints, you'll need a new key. Find out how to get a new electricity key.
Is there an error message on your meter? If so, for instructions on what to do next choose the error message from the options below.
Blank display
If there's a red light on the meter, try inserting your key or pressing the blue button. If this doesn't fix it, call us on 0800 048 0303,* our lines are open 24 hours a day 7 days a weeks.Messages starting with an E, D2 or any other message not listed
Make a note of your meter's serial number (begins with S or F and is usually under the screen next to the barcode), as shown below. Then call us on0800 048 0303*, our lines are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.D1, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8 and D9 messages
Sometimes it's just a bit of dust on the key that can cause this problem. Blow the key to clear any dust or wipe with a clean cloth then try inserting it in the meter again.Still not working? You need a new key, see: My electricity key is faulty/damaged: what should I do?
No error message
If you have credit and there's no error message on your meter, follow the advice below:- check your trip-switches. If one is down, a faulty appliance or faulty wiring could have caused this to turn the electricity off
- if there is no red light on your meter and the screen is blank, there may be a problem in your area. We recommend calling your local electricity distributor for assistance.
If there is a distribution problem in your area, for safety we recommend turning all appliances off, but keep one light on so you know when the power comes back on. Find the electricity distributor for where you live by using our post code look up tool.
Still have questions about your electricity supply? Contact us on
0800 048 0303 or textphone 18001 0800 072 86268,* we're open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas I have a Pay as you go meter and have no electricity: what should I do?
I have a Pay as you go meter and have no gas: what should I do?
First check you've got credit on your meter. If you have run out of credit, for your safety, turn off all appliances before topping up.
If there's no error message on your meter, see
No message on meter in copy below If there is an error message on your meter, get instructions on how to solve the problem by choosing the error message you're seeing from the list below.
Card fail (possibly with number after it)
Call help
Battery fail
Card Pass
Invalid Card
Card not accepted
Please Wait (stuck on meter screen)
Blank screenCard fail (possibly with number after it) you need a new card. See:
My gas card is faulty/damaged: what should I do? Call help, Battery, Battery fail, ----- (5 dashes), M***** (5 stars), Card Pass, Invalid Card, Card not accepted, Please Wait (stuck on meter screen, Blank screen.
We may need to send an engineer out. Please call us on 0800 048 0303* or textphone 18001 0800 072 86268* when you're at home and have access to your meter. Our lines are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
No message on meter
Check your gas appliances are turned on and that you have credit. If youhave credit and there's no error message on your meter, call gas emergency services on 0800 111 999.*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas I have a Pay as you go meter and have no gas: what should I do?
How do I change my pay as you go meter to a credit meter?
We may be able to exchange your meter if:
- you're over 18 or somebody over 18 is willing to take responsibility for your account
- you're not in debit on any British Gas account
- you're not in credit by over £50 (we suggest you run your credit down as much as possible as we can't transfer large amounts to your new credit meter)
Take an up-to-date meter reading and call us on 0800 048 0303*. We'll do a credit check in your name. If you pass the credit check we can arrange for a date for your meter to be exchanged and discuss your payment options.
Prefer not to be credit checked? We can still exchange the meter if you pay a security deposit upfront, based on your consumption history. Call us on 0800 048 0303* to discuss what this payment would be for you.
Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas How do I change my pay as you go meter to a credit meter?
My meter seems to be broken: what should I do?
If you're having an issue with your meter, check our advice below:
- there's a message on my gas meter
- there's a message on my electricity meter
- my gas meter screen says OFF
- my meter's damaged
- my reading hasn't changed or is going backwards
Damaged meter
If you notice fire, sparking, smoking or burning, call the fire brigade. Then turn off all your appliances and call your local distributor.Find your electricity distributor by post code.
If your meter is damaged we can send someone out to make sure you and your property are safe. Call us on 0800 048 0303* to report the problem. Our lines are open 24 hours a day 7 days a weeks
Reading hasn't changed or is going backwards
If this is the case, you may be using energy that you're not paying for. You'll have to pay this back so it's best to tell us as soon as possible so we can fix the problem.Call us on 0800 048 0303* or textphone 18001 0800 072 86268**. Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas My meter seems to be broken: what should I do?
There is a message on my electricity meter: what does it mean?
For instructions on what to do next, choose from the options below:
Blank display
Is the red light on your meter lit up? Try inserting your key or pressing the blue button. If this doesn't fix it, call us on 0800 048 0303*.Messages starting with an E, D2 or any other message
Make a note of your meter's serial number (this begins with S or F and is usually under the screen next to the barcode) and call us on
0800 048 0303*.D1, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8 and D9 messages
Sometimes it's just a bit of dust on the key that can cause this problem. Blow the key to clear any dust or wipe with a clean cloth then try inserting it in the meter again.Still not working? You need a new key, see below:
My electricity key is faulty/damaged: what should I do?
* Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas There is a message on my electricity meter: what does it mean?
There's a message on my Pay as you go meter: what do I do?
For instructions on what to do next, choose the error message from the options below:
Card fail (possibly with number after it)
If you see this message when you insert your card into your meter, you need a new card, see: my gas card is faulty or damaged.Call help, Battery, Battery fail, ----- , M***** , Card Pass, Invalid Card, Card not accepted, Please Wait (stuck on meter screen)
If you have any of these messages on your meter screen we may need to send an engineer out. Please call us on 0800 048 0303* when you're near the meter.* Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas There's a message on my Pay as you go meter: what do I do?
How do I check my pay as you go meter reading?
Each type of meter is read slightly differently. Here is a guide to the different types of gas and electricity meters and how to read them:
On this page: Gas meters: | Electricity meters:
Gas metersOn some meters there is a second glass screen with a sequence of numbers behind it. This is your meter reading.
Other meters have a digital display:
- Press the red button A once to activate the screen.
- Wait for the Please wait message to disappear.
- Press the red button A twice.
- You should see a screen that says meter index - this is your meter reading.
Electricity metersYou can see your meter screen information by pressing the blue button on your meter. To get from screen to screen press the blue button again.
- Single rate meter: your meter reading is on screen H
- 2 rate meter (or economy 7 meters): your meter reading is on screens H and J.
You'll find the screen letter on the left of your meter display.
Taking a meter reading to give to us? Remember to make a note of the date you took it.
- View More: British Gas How do I check my pay as you go meter reading?
My gas meter screen says OFF: how do I fix it?
This is easily fixed:
- Turn all of your appliances off.
- Remove your gas card.
- If your screen is blank, press the red button A to activate the meter display.
- Your screen will show your credit balance and the word OFF.
- Turn your meter on by pressing the red button. This message will appear on the screen: If appliances off Press A button.
- Press the red button and hold it down until the meter beeps.
- View More: British Gas My gas meter screen says OFF: how do I fix it?
An engineer didn't turn up to carry out work on my pay as you go meter: what do I do?
We're sorry if an engineer has missed an appointment with you. Call us on our free phone number 0800 048 0303* so we can investigate what has happened and reschedule the appointment.
* Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View More: British Gas An engineer didn't turn up to carry out work on my pay as you go meter: what do I do?
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British Gas Customer Newsroom
- This is the place for you to discover more about what we do at British Gas. You can explore the lengths and breadths of our partnership with the British Swimming team, and learn about our innovative green initiatives such as the money saving and eco friendly, EnergySmart. As the nation's leading energy supplier, we're committed to providing all the latest news and updates to help British Gas work even better for you.
- View More: British Gas British Gas Customer Newsroom
- This is the place for you to discover more about what we do at British Gas. You can explore the lengths and breadths of our partnership with the British Swimming team, and learn about our innovative green initiatives such as the money saving and eco friendly, EnergySmart. As the nation's leading energy supplier, we're committed to providing all the latest news and updates to help British Gas work even better for you.
British Gas Facebook Page
- As part of the Centrica Group, British Gas provides gas, electricity and home repair services to millions of customers in England, Scotland and Wales and. In fact, we are proud to be the nation's leading energy supplier.
But we are committed far beyond simply lighting and heating your homes – here at British Gas we aim to look after your world. From providing the best value energy to offering the highest quality services while ensuring that we take care of our planet, our vision is clear and stays with us every step of the way.
- View More: British Gas British Gas Facebook Page
- As part of the Centrica Group, British Gas provides gas, electricity and home repair services to millions of customers in England, Scotland and Wales and. In fact, we are proud to be the nation's leading energy supplier.