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‘N’ wireless technology and buying an Adapter
The BT Home Hub 2.0 and BT Home Hub 3 (the latest two versions) use '802.11n', or 'N' wireless technology.
'N' technology is the latest available for connecting your computer or other device wirelessly to your Hub. The previous versions of the BT Home Hub use '802.11g' or '11g' wireless technology.
'N' wireless is faster, more reliable, and the stronger connection it provides means you can use your computer further from your Hub. Buy a Wireless 'N' Adapter now.
Do I need a Wireless 'N' Adapter?
Many computers sold since 2008 already have 'N' built in. Find out if you have it by checking your computer's user guide or wireless settings.
Don't worry if your computer has an older version of wireless, or doesn't have wireless built in at all. You can simply upgrade it by plugging in a Wireless 'N' Adapter.
You can then enjoy the freedom of surfing without wires, and even connect to wi-fi hotspots when out and about.
Can I use the adapter to get a mobile broadband (3G) signal?
No, the adapter can connect you to your Hub or other wi-fi hotspots, but it's not designed to connect to a mobile broadband signal.
Can I use the adapter with a Mac?
Sorry no, the adapter doesn't work with Apple Macs.
Will my internet speeds be faster when using the adapter?
The adapter could make your wireless connection faster and more reliable. But it won't improve the speed of the broadband entering your house, which depends on lots of other factors.
How do I buy one?
We're now offering BT customers an exclusive deal on our latest Wireless 'N' Adapter.
Buy an adapter now using a credit or debit card
If you're not a BT customer you can buy an alternative adapter online at the BT Shop.
- View More: BT ‘N’ wireless technology and buying an Adapter
BT Infinity User Guide
Why are BT Infinity speed quotes preceded by 'Up to'?
Each broadband line has its own personality. Speeds are affected by a variety of factors, including things like the time of day you connect, and how your equipment is set up.
So when we describe a broadband service it's easiest to quote the theoretical maximum speed the technology can provide - the so-called 'Up to' speeds. Before ordering, you can see an estimate of the maximum BT Infinity speed you can expect on your particular line at www.bt.com/infinity.
What factors affect the speed I'll get with BT Infinity?
- View More: BT Why are BT Infinity speed quotes preceded by 'Up to'?
Factors affecting the speed you'll get with BT Infinity
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT Factors affecting the speed you'll get with BT Infinity
How can I test the speed of my BT Infinity service?
Here you can use our speed tester to test your broadband speed. We'll then tell you how to understand the test results, and how to make simple changes to make sure you get the fastest speed possible.
First things first...
If you don't have BT Infinity yet, see what speed you could get using our availability checker.
If you already have BT Infinity installed, and want to test your speed, there's a few things you need to do before running the speed tester:
- Make sure you're connected to the line you're trying to test
- Close down all other applications and any extra browser windows you might have open
- Remove the impact of any wi-fi issues by using a wired Ethernet connection between your computer and Hub
- Make sure other computers or devices connected to your Hub aren't using the internet
- Turn off VPN connections to your company's network if you're using a work computer that has one set up
Ready to run the test?
During the test you may be asked for your Network ID when it asks for your "normal login name". This is: bthomehub@btbroadband.com
- View More: BT How can I test the speed of my BT Infinity service?
What does a speed test for BT Infinity tell me?
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT What does a speed test for BT Infinity tell me?
Hints on getting an accurate speed test result for BT Infinity
Please see: How can I test my broadband speed?
The tips below will help you get the most accurate test result:
- Only run from a computer connected to the line you're trying to test.
- Remove the impact of any Wi-Fi issues by using a wired Ethernet connection between your computer and your Hub.
- Close all applications on your computer before you start the speed test so that the computer processor can focus on the speed test.
- Make sure other computers or devices connected to your Hub aren't accessing the Internet.
- Turn off VPN connections to your company's network if you're using a work computer that has one set up. The VPN connection acts like a tunnel within your broadband pipe. The traffic has to flow to the end of the VPN tunnel before it can go out to the Internet. Because most corporate networks use traffic shaping to manage the data flowing through the tunnels, you won't get an accurate speed test result.
- Don't run a test too often. Some speed testers limit the number of times you can run a test from the same line to make sure they can cope with demand. If you want to run multiple tests to see how different things impact on your speed, you may have to wait up to three hours before using the same speed test website.
- Run the test at different times of day. At busy times (5pm to midnight) the throughput rate can momentarily drop as low as 2.4Mb/s. It's nothing to worry about if you get this result once, but there may be a problem with our network if you get a result this low again.
Find out how to get the best speeds at www.bt.com/help/infinityspeed.
- View More: BT Hints on getting an accurate speed test result for BT Infinity
Improving your fibre-based broadband speed
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT Improving your fibre-based broadband speed
Why is a wired connection better than wireless for fibre?
To make the most of the higher speeds of fibre-based broadband we think it's best to use a wired connection to your computer. We'll set this up for you as part of the installation process.
Connecting your laptop or games console via Wi-Fi can be convenient and avoid trailing wires. But weak wireless connections may not be fast or reliable enough for certain bandwidth-intensive activities such as watching HD content, or sending or receiving large files.
If you do connect wirelessly, then we suggest using the newer 'N' wireless standard. See: What is Wireless 'N' technology?
A wired connection removes a speed bottleneck that you would get if you used wireless. With wireless, all of the devices connected wirelessly share the approximate equivalent of an Ethernet cable.
Rather than each device getting to use the full speed available when it sends data to the Hub, it has to share the space with data being sent from all the other wireless devices. However, if you connect a computer to your Hub using an Ethernet cable, that computer can send and receive up to the full speed of your fibre-based broadband line.
- View More: BT Why is a wired connection better than wireless for fibre?
What is the Smart Wireless feature in my Hub?
Your Hub has a smart wireless feature which ensures you maintain a good connection to all your wireless devices.
When the Hub is first turned on it monitors all the available wireless channels and then chooses channel 1, 6 or 11 depending on which has the least congestion and interference. This way, you automatically get the channel with the best reception.
The Hub keeps on monitoring the channel it's chosen, and if interference increases to such an extent that it is likely to cause a problem, it will automatically switch to a better channel.
It does this automatic channel selection up to three times every 24 hours. But if you feel you're not getting the best wireless performance from your Hub, you can force it to do a refresh - scanning the channels again and choosing the best one.
Here's how:
- Enter http://bthomehub.home in your web browser
- If this is the first time you have visited the Hub Manager you'll be asked to change the password.
- Click on Settings and enter your password if required.
- Click on Wireless.
- In the Wireless Channel section click on Refresh.
- The Hub will check the wireless channels and after about a minute will have chosen the best one.
We think you're a lot better off using Refresh than selecting an individual wireless channel yourself. Manually selecting a channel will turn off Smart Wireless and if the channel you've chosen then experiences any interference, you may end up with poor wireless performance yet again.
- View More: BT What is the Smart Wireless feature in my Hub?
My BT Infinity connection keeps going down
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT My BT Infinity connection keeps going down
Resetting your Openreach fibre modem and BT Infinity Hub
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT Resetting your Openreach fibre modem and BT Infinity Hub
How can I get BT Infinity?
We’re launching BT Infinity in stages across the UK. You can find out if it’s available in your area atwww.bt.com/infinity.
If you can’t get the new service yet, the availability checker will tell you what other BT Broadband products are available, and what speed you can expect.
- View More: BT How can I get BT Infinity?
BT Infinity has reached my area, but the line checker says I can’t get it?
Within an exchange area there will be some customers who can't get BT Infinity. There are several reasons why this could be the case:
- Your phone line may be connected directly to the telephone exchange and not to a local street cabinet.
- Your line may be too far from the local street cabinet to have a stable BT Infinity service.
- Your local street cabinet may not be suitable for fibre optic cables.
- We haven't yet got the council's planning permission to do the necessary work at your local street cabinet.
- The fibre service hasn't reached your area yet.
- Your home may not be suitable for fibre optic cables.
- Your landlord may not have agreed to the fibre infrastructure being provided in your building (for example if you live in a flat).
So, even though you may be within an enabled exchange area, it's possible that your particular line may not be able to have BT Infinity yet.
Our availability checker at www.bt.com/infinity has the latest detail about what speed your line can provide.
- View More: BT BT Infinity has reached my area, but the line checker says I can’t get it?
How is fibre-based broadband installed?
Your installation experience depends on what speed our availability checker estimated you'll get.
I'm estimated to get speeds up to 40Mb
I'm estimated to get speeds up to 100Mb
- View More: BT How is fibre-based broadband installed?
What is BT Infinity?
BT Infinity is a new broadband product that uses the latest fibre optic technology to provide a much faster and more powerful internet connection.
BT Infinity offers download speeds of up to 100Mb a second, much faster than standard broadband delivered over copper wires. Note that as every phone line is different, the actual speed you get will vary.
Find out if it's available in your area, and what speed you can expect
There’s more information about the factors affecting fibre broadband speeds and what you can do to improve them at www.bt.com/help/infinityspeed.
- View More: BT What is BT Infinity?
What can I do with BT Infinity?
BT Infinity is the fastest broadband service currently available from BT. In addition to faster speeds, BT Infinity also provides several free services to help you make the most of your online experience, for example email and online security. Check out our Getting set up pages to find out more.
BT Infinity can offer you:
- Faster surfing – improved browsing and smoother video streaming.
- Faster downloads – download large files in much less time.
- Faster uploads – send large emails and upload photos more quickly.
- Improved multiple user experience – do more online, faster, at the same time.
’Up to 100Mb’ (depending on which option you can get) will give you enough speed to run multiple bandwidth-hungry applications at home. For example, you could be watching different HD movies, while others in your household are gaming or working on complex graphics or video projects.
As well as being able to download graphics and data much more quickly, you'll benefit from upstream speeds of up to 15Mb a second (depending on which BT Infinity option you have). This means you'll be able to post videos, experience HD video conferencing, and enjoy interactive HD gaming to the full.
- View More: BT What can I do with BT Infinity?
How is BT Infinity different from BT Total Broadband?
The differences you'll experience depend on what speed our availability checker said you can get.
BT Infinity BT Total Broadband Download speeds of up to 100Mb (depending on which BT Infinity option you have) Download speed up to 20Mb Upload speed of up to 15Mb (depending on which BT Infinity option you have) Upload speed of up to 1.5Mb Uses a much faster fibre optic cable from the telephone exchange to your street cabinet, or directly into your home Uses copper phone line all the way from your home to the telephone exchange Engineer installation using high-performance dedicated broadband home wiring Self-installation using standard home phone wiring
- View More: BT How is BT Infinity different from BT Total Broadband?
Do I need a BT phone landline to get BT Infinity?
Yes, you'll need a residential line and a BT calls and phone line service package from BT before we can install BT Infinity.
It’s no problem if you don't have a BT line right now: we can arrange this for you as part of your BT Infinity order.
See if you can get BT Infinity now at www.bt.com/infinity.
- View More: BT Do I need a BT phone landline to get BT Infinity?
Preparing for the installation of fibre-based broadband such as BT Infinity
Your BT Home Hub 3 should arrive two days before your installation date. Please have it ready to hand when the engineer arrives. The engineer will bring the other bit of new equipment you need – an Openreach fibre modem.
To speed up your installation it will help if you think about where your new equipment will go.
Normally it's best to put it where your old Hub sits, but there are three things to consider:
- Power: You'll need two power sockets where your BT Home Hub 3 is to be installed. To be sure you have enough sockets available, we recommend you have a spare power extension lead to hand on the day of installation.
- Wiring: Unlike a standard broadband Hub, we can't plug the Hub 3 into a phone extension socket - it needs to connect directly to your phone master socket. This is because standard home phone wiring (between sockets) can't carry the higher data speeds of fibe-based broadband.
You might have your old Hub plugged into a phone extension socket, perhaps in your study. You may want to think about putting your new Hub close to your phone master socket, so you don't have cables running around the house. But then you'll have to move your computer near to your Hub too. You can connect using Wi-Fi, but we recommend a wired connection if you want the fastest and most stable line possible.
Please see: Why is a wired connection better than wireless for fibre-based broadband?
So you now need to think about how a Data Extension Kit cable (max 30 metres long) can run from your master socket to your new BT Home Hub. The engineer will install the cable and talk to you about the route of the new cable. They'll tack it neatly to the top of skirting boards and run it around door frames, but are not allowed to run it under carpets.
- Furniture: If the engineer needs to lay your new cable behind furniture for a tidy installation, you'll need to move this out of the way first.
- View More: BT Preparing for the installation of fibre-based broadband such as BT Infinity
Will I be able to keep my existing email address if I switch to BT Infinity?
Yes, you can keep any BT email address (such as those ending in @btinternet.com or @btopenworld.com) that you now use.
If you're moving from another Internet service provider you can move all your messages, contacts and calendars to BT Yahoo! Mail using the free BT Yahoo! TrueSwitch service
If you want to carry on using the email address provided by your old Internet service provider, then you'll need to speak with them about this. They may charge you to keep your email address if you no longer use their broadband service.
If you use a free web-based email account such as Hotmail, Yahoo! or Gmail, then you'll be able to keep this and use it over your BT Infinity service.
- View More: BT Will I be able to keep my existing email address if I switch to BT Infinity?
Will I be able to take BT Infinity with me if I move home?
If you’re moving to an area that has fibre, you should be able to re-order BT Infinity at your new address. You can find out if it’s available in your area at www.bt.com/infinity.
If the new service hasn’t reached your new area yet, the availability checker will tell you what other BT Broadband products are available, and what speed you can expect.
Please call us on 0800 800 150 to stop your BT Infinity service where you live now and agree an installation date for BT Infinity at your new home.
You should take your Hub with you, but leave the Openreach fibre modem for the people who move in. The engineer will bring a new Openreach fibre modem as part of the installation at your new home.
- View More: BT Will I be able to take BT Infinity with me if I move home?
Is BT Infinity available across the UK?
We’re launching BT Infinity in stages across the UK. You can find out if it’s available in your area at www.bt.com/infinity.
If you can’t get the new service yet, the availability checker will tell what other BT Broadband products are available, and what speed you can expect.
- View More: BT Is BT Infinity available across the UK?
Lights on the Openreach fibre modem
An engineer will bring an Openreach fibre modem with them when they install your BT Infinity service. It’s a smart piece of equipment that’s been specially designed to work on our fibre optic network.
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home:Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT Lights on the Openreach fibre modem
Buttons and sockets on the Openreach fibre modem
An engineer will bring an Openreach fibre modem with them when they install your BT Infinity service. It’s a smart piece of equipment that’s been specially designed to work on our fibre optic network.
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home:Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT Buttons and sockets on the Openreach fibre modem
Common questions about your telephone master socket
Why do I have an extra plate in my master socket?
The plate's been added so your telephone extension sockets will work with a fibre telephone service delivered over the fibre connection to your home.
What does 'Copper' and 'Fibre' refer to on my master socket?
There's a small switch under a sliding cover on your master socket. The switch should be clicked towards Copper if your telephone service is provided on your copper line.
It should be clicked towards Fibre if your telephone extension sockets work with a fibre telephone service.
Why do I need my Openreach fibre modem to be connected to my master socket?
It will allow the telephone extension sockets in your home to work with a fibre telephone service delivered over the fibre connection to your home.
- View More: BT Common questions about your telephone master socket
Questions about the battery back-up unit
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT Questions about the battery back-up unit
What is the BT Infinity Hub?
Which Hub you have depends on your fibre set-up. To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT What is the BT Infinity Hub?
Can I use any Hub or router with BT Infinity?
No, you have to use either the specially-designed BT Infinity Hub or the BT Home Hub 3. If you've recently ordered BT Infinity, then the postman will deliver your brand new BT Home Hub 3 a few days before we install BT Infinity at your home.
The Hub 3 will also work with normal (ADSL) broadband, so if you later move to an area that doesn't have BT Infinity, you'll still be able to use it.
- View More: BT Can I use any Hub or router with BT Infinity?
Can I connect more than three devices using Ethernet to my BT Infinity Hub?
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT Can I connect more than three devices using Ethernet to my BT Infinity Hub?
Why do I need a special faceplate for BT Infinity?
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT Why do I need a special faceplate for BT Infinity?
What is a Data Extension Kit?
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT What is a Data Extension Kit?
What's the difference between my telephone home extension wiring and the BT Infinity Data Extension Kit?
To get the right advice, click on the equipment that matches what you have at home: Click here if your modem looks like this: Click here if your modem looks like one of the below:
- View More: BT What's the difference between my telephone home extension wiring and the BT Infinity Data Extension Kit?
How to remove the special fibre faceplate
We recommend that you keep the Hub plugged into the master socket, or a data extension socket, as this will give you the best broadband speed. But if you want to move the BT Home Hub to another room of your home and plug it into a voice extension socket, you'll need to remove the special faceplate from your master socket and go back to using microfilters.
How to remove the fibre faceplate and reconnect your standard broadband:
- Unplug the special extension cable (if installed for BT Infinity) from the top data port on the master socket. (You’ll no longer need this cable.)
- Unscrew the front plate of the master socket.
- Lift off the fibre faceplate, being careful not to upset any wires inside the master socket.
- Find the shorter front plate screws – they should be in the recess of the master socket (if not, most hardware shops stock suitable screws).
- Screw the front plate back into place.
- Plug a microfilter into the front plate.
- Plug a microfilter into any other extension telephone sockets that you have.
- Follow the installation instructions for your standard broadband Hub. You can fit the Hub to any of the microfilters.
- Unplug the special extension cable (if installed for BT Infinity) from the top data port on the master socket. (You’ll no longer need this cable.)
- View More: BT How to remove the special fibre faceplate
Which products and services work with BT Infinity?
This depends on how we install your service, which is related to what speed our availability checkerestimates you'll get.
I'm estimated to get speeds up to 40Mb
I'm estimated to get speeds up to 100Mb
- View More: BT Which products and services work with BT Infinity?
Will BT Broadband Anywhere work with BT Infinity?
- Yes, BT Broadband Anywhere is compatible with BT Infinity. So if you've got BT Broadband Anywhere you'll be able to upgrade to BT Infinity.
- View More: BT Will BT Broadband Anywhere work with BT Infinity?
- Yes, BT Broadband Anywhere is compatible with BT Infinity. So if you've got BT Broadband Anywhere you'll be able to upgrade to BT Infinity.